It's time to kickstart your single life!
Break free from your old dating patterns, avoid emotionally unavailable men and stop relying on having a partner to be "complete".
Instead, focus on your self-worth, your friendships and what makes YOU happy and then you can find a man who meets your standards and is worth of your time and energy.
Whilst you might dream of the perfect man appearing in your life and the settling down and family that will follow, you're probably here because the pressure of being in your 30s (or near to it!) is looming yet you aren't doing any of the things you thought you would be doing right now.
Everyone around you is getting engaged, married or having children yet you can't just *magic* those things to happening. They take time, commitment and in the most traditional sense, require two people to do it.
You're stressed, worried and unsettled that this might NEVER happen for you. That you'll be the spinster that never got married, the one that stands in the corner of family parties and is still approached by that uncle that just HAS to ask... "So, when's it going to be your turn?"